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QNX Ignores Desktop Standards, Security (trollaxor.com)
2 points by knv on Nov 1, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

I refuse to take anything from Trollaxor seriously. These are the guys who used to crap-flood slashdot with nasty ASCII art. They're the pre-4chan professional trolls.

Just read the rest of the blog to be sure :-)

I'm a little confused, isn't QNX an operating system focused on embedded systems? I would expect it would probably lag behind in desktop apps because of focus and small user base.

Indeed. Saying 'QNX is sucks as a desktop OS' is like saying 'Windows 7 sucks because it doesn't run on my toaster'. Well, d'uh!

It's a classical case of wrong expectations. The author criticizes QNX for not automatically installing a SMP kernel. That is actually a good thing as multiprocessor real-time systems are very much different from uniprocessor real-time systems. People building real-time systems should consciously choose to allow SMP; the OS shouldn't do it behind the scenes in a dot update.

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