They are NOW required to be that, but a lot of legacy circuits are still 15A, and some even don't have GFCI (GFCI only became a requirement in the late 70s/early 80s in the kitchen, bathroom, and anywhere else that can conceivably be near water.
This has spread to AFCI (arc fault instead of ground fault) being put in every bedroom as a requirement as well.
If your house doesn't have GFCI and AFCI everywhere, they're required, you proobably should start retrofitting your sockets.
All of that said, you can use temporary use 1800W devices on 15A legally without tripping the breaker.
This has spread to AFCI (arc fault instead of ground fault) being put in every bedroom as a requirement as well.
If your house doesn't have GFCI and AFCI everywhere, they're required, you proobably should start retrofitting your sockets.
All of that said, you can use temporary use 1800W devices on 15A legally without tripping the breaker.