It's definitely not perfect. Like I mentioned, it was developed on an incredibly tight budget/timeframe. I wish I'd had budget to polish several things like that throughout the site.
I do still think a user that searches the web for a hickory chicken tailgating recipe is still a lot better served by even that imperfect mobile web page than the alternative native workflow though. Not to say that native isn't ever a better choice for some types of apps, of course, but content like this is exactly the web's sweet spot.
(BTW, I've been playing with React lately and am loving it; great work. Looking forward to giving React Native a shot at replacing Cordova for some of my clients)
I do still think a user that searches the web for a hickory chicken tailgating recipe is still a lot better served by even that imperfect mobile web page than the alternative native workflow though. Not to say that native isn't ever a better choice for some types of apps, of course, but content like this is exactly the web's sweet spot.
(BTW, I've been playing with React lately and am loving it; great work. Looking forward to giving React Native a shot at replacing Cordova for some of my clients)