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Europe loves to complain about the US but can't be arsed to actually do anything about it, they just keep electing leaders that do what the US says.

It's almost as if there's some mutually beneficial relationship going on between US and European intelligence and military agencies, and the anger of Europe's governments is mostly political sideshow...

The Deep State model works so well in Turkey, why not replicate it worldwide?

It's surprisingly hard to find political leaders that are willing to stand up to the US and still have reasonable opinions on how to run a country.

The USA works very hard to radicalize anti american factions within a country. If the choices are US backed dictator, or religious nutjob, its not much of a hard choice.

Who are the dictators and religious nutjobs in power in Europe?

Perhaps because it's pretty obvious that the US is a force for good in the world and only crazy people would deny that.

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