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You can even split that into steps and levels. Absurdity progresses from the entire universe right down into details like the existence of coffee or oil. Two black liquids that just happen to exist and fuel the world. Can you imagine modern society without them?

But what bugs me most is that a universe without an entity to perceive and observe it is just such a waste of ... energy? It's almost like the existence of the universe implies the existence of an observer. That the formation of intelligent life is an expected result of the universe existing.

> it is just such a waste of ... energy?

It can only be a waste if it has some higher purpose.

In a universe without an observer there would be no-one to note how absurd that is.

... yet here we are managing that much quite nicely. Others, meanwhile, seem to be taking it all a little too seriously.

>That the formation of intelligent life is an expected result of the universe existing.

Entropy leads to life. Life and entropy leads to evolution. Evolution, given enough space and time to work within, eventually leads to intelligent life.

Intelligent life leads to...?


>It's almost like the existence of the universe implies the existence of an observer. That the formation of intelligent life is an expected result of the universe existing.

Seems like a logical stretch, but very poetic.

I was aware that it was a logical stretch, yea. That's also why I made sure to include the 'almost'. It's just the kind of thought that pops into my head when star gazing.

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