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The last project I was working on only edited the changelog file when a release was cut. As we tagged each release with a version number, it was easy to get the commit messages since the last release with:

    lastTag = `git describe --abbrev=0 --tags`
    git log --oneline --no-merges #{lastTag}..HEAD | cut -c 9- | sort
Then you just need to edit that list down to the relevant details. This was part of a release script which also added things like increasing the version number, generating md5 hashes for the binaries, date etc.

If you have something like a changelog, it's important to keep the audience in mind. In this case the audience was mainly the internal test department and marketing. Testers also had access to the bug tracker of course and only used the changelog to get an overview. Marketing and support used the changelog as the basis for their communication with customers.

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