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It's a nice article and generally a sound approach, but reading it has led me to think about something else: imagine an Internet where the data about each user (what would normally be entries in different tables on the servers) is stored, encrypted and authenticated, on the user's computer, as opposed to being stored on the server. Yes, I know, this goes against the 'cloud' principle we see around us and introduces a bunch of issues with syncing this data and it being available everywhere, which is the point of SaaS-like websites. But on the other hand, small websites could use this approach to drastically cut their costs and maintenance work they need to do. Also, a compromise of a server would expose the keys used for encryption, but then the attackers would need another piece of the puzzle, and that's stored on the user's computer.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating this principle or implying it is needed and doable with the current technologies (I don't think we have a way of reliably storing such long-term data within the user's browser), but it's an interesting train of thought. It doesn't obviate the need for the server to store any sensitive information, just some of it. User info, password hashes, credit card numbers, maybe even social graphs depending on the use case, could all be stored this way. There will always be websites for which this doesn't make a lot of sense, but a lot of the other ones, mainly small players, could benefit from this.

It's curious how, when you describe it like that, it sounds that your data is being held hostage by a third party. After all, the server doesn't allow you to see what's in the encrypted opaque blobs, it only allows a controlled set of operations to be done with this data, and the only thing they do is further mutate this opaque blob. But it is no less transparent than the current state of affairs, namely servers keeping the data for themselves.

I'm interested to hear HN's opinion on this, flaws in the approach I've missed, etc.

> imagine an Internet where the data about each user (what would normally be entries in different tables on the servers) is stored, encrypted and authenticated, on the user's computer, as opposed to being stored on the server.

Trying to authenticate solely on the client side isn't as fruitful as you might be imagining, since it introduces potential security isues. Without any server-side authentication using only information (i.e. a blob) that the server has access to, it becomes very easy for clients to spoof/pretend to be other clients.

Consider that if this kind of system were easy/fruitful to implement, a lot of businesses would have done it already to avoid increased development/server costs on their end.

If the data is encrypted and authenticated with a server-known key, you couldn't change the data and end up with the server accepting it. How would a spoofing scenario work in this case? If you can steal another user's blob, you can pretend to be them, but if you can steal that blob, you can also steal a cookie if the website uses cookies for authentication. Maybe I am misunderstanding you.

One issue I can think of is users spoofing older blobs (reminiscent of a replay attack). I believe this could be mitigated if the server keeps a single 256-bit hash of each user's state (this would also make client-side HMACs redundant), or a 64-bit ever-increasing integer which is then included in the state. That's way more tiny than any user state.

This is kind of what some sites use to eliminate signing up and logging in - give each user a unique URL that itself is enough to authenticate them. Not great for security, but OK for a game or something that doesn't matter too much.

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