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Sorry, but I don't really see how this introduces new problems.

Even if you're using a stateful approach (ie. storing the token in the database) you still need to store and send a fairly long and convoluted URL. So in either case you're going to have to deal with the usability problem of making sure your long URL is still easily clickable.

As for the link invalidation, I'm confused as to why "." was included in the first place. It's not usually included in a base 64 encoding. (Still, that's why I use base 62 for sending URLs.)

The difference is that the URL with just a lookup token will be a lot shorter than the URL with all the data embedded in it, and will have a static and predictable length. And longer URLs are a source of problems.

They'll be more likely to be misinterpreted by a MUA, more likely to be copy-pasted badly (e.g. due to word-wrap issues), and will look more suspicious to users wary of phishing. Optimizing the URLs for length will then cause other problems, like my base64 one (where I started with hex, and then switched to a supposedly URL-safe base64 encoding). It'll also prevent you from having a fallback mechanism when the URL does break. With state, the email can simply include the token as plaintext ("If the link didn't work type in this 10 letter code"). It'll make it harder to later implement validation over SMS.

On the flip side, the gains from not storing state are basically non-existent.

Just truncate it to a collision probability that is acceptable to you. Nothing's forcing you to keep all of the signature bytes.

I would rather do both, and store the short url to long url in a key value store with automatic deletion. I would rather keep that crap away from my customer data if its not needed.

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