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I wrote about this recently: http://blog.higg.im/2015/01/02/2014-the-year-of-feeling-burn...

We are awash in information. Douglas Rushkoff documents this recent phenomenon very well. His book Present Shock articulates the problem / dilemma really well. Worth a read - if you haven't already added it to your Amazon wishlist and is not another book in your digital bucket list.

My personal solution was to let go. Tech and computers are now the apex predator. Just swim in the ocean, don't resist it. In terms of your path - who am I to judge? I dropped out of a C.S course because tech was moving too fast and the course material was out of sync with how fast tech was moving. Enjoy tech on your own terms.

Note: 'Letting go' also has the paradoxical effect of getting more done with tech. When you get out of your own way, tech works for you, rather than against you. I learned this from the raw data. It's up to you to experience this for yourself.

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