A complementing approach is to teach yourself and others to tolerate lower temperatures, especially in offices and other environments, where people have to agree on a "comfy" heater setting. I wonder how much energy that could save.
This is really true. Where I am from, we discuss a six-week period or so when the season changes, from shitty to other-shitty, in which we say either your blood or skin thickens to the cold, or your blood thins for the warmth. (somehow, the skin never thins) I have no idea if this has any scientific basis.
Anecdotally, the partner of the Columbian who shares an office with me is complaining that she is now used to colder temperatures.
Adjust with woolen clothing. I can vary between 25°C and 15°C just by taking off stuff or putting it back on. (Also needs adjustments for movement since I warm up fast when I move.)