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How Grasshopper Became Profitable Within 1 Year (mixergy.com)
32 points by DXL on Oct 26, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Venture Voice did an interesting interview with the same people: http://www.venturevoice.com/2009/05/siamak_taghaddos_and_dav...

Hey, that's the company I work for.

I've used you guys for ~4 years when you were gotvmail -- great service!

Great interview. It answered a lot of my question for my idea and website.. Great Great interview.. Thanks you guys for sharing..


From the first paragraph of the Mixergy article:

"In 2003, Siamak Taghaddos and his friend, David Hauser, launched a voicemail service. Within 2 months, the entrepreneurs were profitable. By the end of their first year, they did $423,504 in sales. By their 3rd year, they did $8.8 million."

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