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Please don't take this wrong. I think what you're doing is great. I like perf too. I'm just kind of thinking outloud.

For example copy/paste and "define" require you to support selecting text on your canvas and then telling the OS about it when the user picks "copy" or "define". Otherwise you get the bad behavior that 99.99% of all native apps have which is that they don't support selecting anything except in editable textareas so if they display an address I can't copy it into maps.

You could argue the browser should add APIs so you can provide what the user has selected to the OS but, it means every developer has to be perfect. Developers who get it wrong end up making apps that don't follow any OS conventions, don't handle the edge cases, don't handle things when running in other languages, etc etc etc.

To take it to an extreme, maybe the browser should just be a rectangle of pixels and JavaScript. No DOM whatsoever. Imagine we had that world. There'd be no search engines and every page would have a totally unique UI. Some pages you'd use the keyboard to move a cursor to select something. Others would use the mouse. Still others might use a joystick. Some would require IJKL instead of the cursor keys. None of them would have native OS widgets. They'd all use a different font system. Most would probably only support ASCII and maybe ANSI at best.

Instead we have HTML and a DOM and most of these issues are solved and that uniformity has some arguable benefits.

I'm not saying stop your work. I'm just saying I'm there are trade offs. I think an argument can be made either way. Maybe rather than going back to a rect of pixels we should also be lobbying for ways to make the DOM better so we can keep the good parts (universality?) and still do better?

Understood. We just happened to have unconventional constraints that suggested an unconventional solution. There are many ways to lobby for improvements for things (especially Web standards) and perhaps with us showing the limitations of the DOM, we can influence change for the better.

By the way, you’re re-defining Flash but with a canvas and JS :)

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