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Books I've read many, many times and plan to reread again: Umberto Eco's Foucault's pendulum. Homer's Odyssey. Rostand's Cyrano de Bergerac. These never gets old :)

...Focault's pendulum... did you 'attempt' to read it six different times, or do six complete scans of it?

I ask because every time I pick the book up again, I seem to read only half of what needs to be read. Ideally, a binary algorithm like that would finish in logarithmic of the book's pages times, but it seems to get longer every time.

Amazing book though. I just...can't seem to finish it. Eco and Rushdie are my two biggest heroes. Now Rushdie's books, them I've read thrice for almost all of them. Except the much-hated Satanic Verses, which I've read twice that many times. It gets better every time its read.

Foucault's pendulum: I love that book. The adventures of Casaubon and al entertain me to no end. I've read it many, many times cover to cover, I've typed in (in 1987) and run the BASIC program generating God's name, I've read encyclopedias for details on the countless trivia in the book. really it's my favorite Eco. It's so clever you feel smart just reading it, it's so choke full with interesting stuff, so funny and ironic and meta-referential...

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