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Honest question, would studying immediate mode rendering systems improve my understanding of React's system of doing things? If so, do you have a resource I could use?

There is a video that describes "Immediate-Mode Graphical User Interfaces" really well, see: https://twitter.com/stoikerty/status/467047333453381632

There is also a lengthy and insightful blog-post about the subject where I found the video: http://jlongster.com/Removing-User-Interface-Complexity,-or-...

ah! Awesome, thanks

The first half of my career was in graphics and games. I think at a high-level, React is similar to a rendering engine and React + Flux is similar to a game engine.

The original talk?


There's also a relatively recent library (C++)


I don't know. Probably not but all abstractions leak so then again it might help if you have a second source on how things should work.

I don't have a list of resources.

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