> If you write your code for node.js, it should work on io.js.
Yes, this was one of the points I mentioned however this precludes me from using newer and possibly better APIs and syntax in io.js. If that's the path to take what is the point of io.js if everything will be written to the lowest common denominator?
> Fragmentation is good, it stimulates the eco-system for better products.
Maybe? I'm not sure. It certainly hasn't looked very rosey from Android's point of view but has it worked for other things? I'm skeptical.
> Fragmentation is good, it stimulates the eco-system for better products.
I'm skeptical too. Maybe fragmentation isn't always bad, but flat out "good"? I've also done Android development, and the fragmentation makes developing for the platform more expensive and time consuming. I don't know of any "good" that comes of it.
Yes, this was one of the points I mentioned however this precludes me from using newer and possibly better APIs and syntax in io.js. If that's the path to take what is the point of io.js if everything will be written to the lowest common denominator?
> Fragmentation is good, it stimulates the eco-system for better products.
Maybe? I'm not sure. It certainly hasn't looked very rosey from Android's point of view but has it worked for other things? I'm skeptical.