Book worth opening everyday for the rest of one's life:
Discourses (Epictetus)
Books worth reading 10 times:
Social Contract (Rousseau),
Republic (of Plato),
Apology (Socrates),
As a Man Think,
Inquiry into the Wealth of Nation (if you can muster the energy)
Books worth reading 3 times:
Lucretius (on the nature of things)
And pretty much most books in the Great Books of the Western World list
Books worth reading 10 times: Social Contract (Rousseau), Republic (of Plato), Apology (Socrates), As a Man Think, Inquiry into the Wealth of Nation (if you can muster the energy)
Books worth reading 3 times: Lucretius (on the nature of things)
And pretty much most books in the Great Books of the Western World list