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XKCD commemerates GeoCities (xkcd.com)
161 points by rglovejoy on Oct 26, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 31 comments

Through early Monday, you can still request a special extra last-minute Internet Archive crawl of any GeoCities pages:


(We've already got fairly good coverage, both historically and in extra crawls of the last couple months that don't yet appear in the Wayback Machine. But we're not sure we have everything, so if any sites are especially important to you, please nominate them.)

Being able to learn HTML in a weekend and put it up on a Geocities page was pretty much the start of my career (if you can call it that) of creating stuff for the web, something which I'm still loving 12? years later.

A grey, Times New Roman page 'About My Life' might not have seemed exciting to anyone else, but it was the same 'wow, I made that!' moment as the first time a BASIC program printed my name across the screen.

(On reflection, many of these beginnings are egotistical, aren't they?)

It strikes me that Kids These Days Don't Have It So Good. Stuff is complex now. A page with nowt but a <title> and <h1> tag looks rubbish. Back in the day, everything looked rubbish so your first page actually looked kinda cool. Obfuscating the real work through helpful frameworks and builders does help one get started, but there's always the sense that it's not really the same as starting from nothing.

I do wonder what the current, or immediate, equivalent to those magic first steps might be.

The source of the page has a few hidden gems, including:

    (define (eval exp env)
      (cond ((self-evaluating? exp) exp)
            ((variable? exp) (lookup-variable-value exp env))
            ((quoted? exp) (text-of-quotation exp))
            ((assignment?  exp) (eval-assignment exp env))
            ((definition? exp) (eval-definition exp env))
            ((if? exp) (eval-if exp env))
            ((lambda? exp) (make-procedure (lambda-parameters exp) (lambda-body exp) env))
            ((begin? exp) (eval-sequence (begin-actions exp) env))
            ((cond? exp) (eval (cond->if exp) env))
            ((application? exp)  (apply (eval (operator exp) env) (list-of-values (operands exp) env)))
            (else (error "Common Lisp or Netscape Navigator 4.0+ Required" exp))))

He should be prompting for R5RS, not Common Lisp.

why not R6RS?

sigh But we should remember the social site of today is the GeoCities Site of the next decade. Though I think, despite the somewhat trite bleeps and blurps of the GeoCities era, there was a bloody ton of innovation and invention that occurred in and around this product. It's passing is the end of an era. Chat rooms, personal websites, web based socialization all began in the likes of a GeoCities.

Yeah, there's really not much different in the taste of the creators of the average GeoCities page and MySpace profile, right down to the gratuitous animated GIFs.

This incidentally is a great window into what the opinions of many consumers are when it comes to "good design".

I don't know if I'd call it their opinion on good design, rather I think the gauche output from non-designers is a product of lacking the ability to make/recognize anything better.

I'm not a sculptor, and if I attempted to create a marble bust it would surely look terrible. That doesn't mean I think it's a good sculpture, it just means that's the best I know how to do, so it works for me.

I do think that the bad design of these sites speaks more to the importance of "form after function". Maybe GeoCities pages were hideous, but they still enabled people to post their pictures/thoughts/etc in a way that most couldn't have figured out before that.

I agree with what you're saying, but I also think it leaves out the difference between an item appearing unfinished, and an item appearing gaudy.

To extend your metaphor, you're not merely carving a marble bust, you're also gluing on trinkets and coating it with glitter and plastering it with stickers.

I'm not at all dismissing the importance of MySpace and GeoCities and et al; I just think it's useful to look at them as a large body of research for the difference between professional and amateur design tastes.

The social site of today wants to be embedded deep into whatever the * of tomorrow is.

I think it's telling of my age that I didn't even do a double take at that site. In fact, I had opened the link in a tab, forgot about it, came back later, and found myself thinking, "Who's embedding XKCD comics on their GeoCities page?"

I sometimes marvel at how much of history is "lost to the ages", even from the relatively recent past (i.e. ~1000 yrs). I find myself sometimes wondering if something similar might happen 1000 years from today. I can't say for sure, but I certainly think it's possible.

Lots of easter eggs in the source, nestled among the 94 errors and 4 warnings. My favourite:


Does anyone get the scheme joke on that page? The only thing that comes to mind is that I think the (cond) construct used there doesn't exist in pure scheme.

Maybe the fact that JavaScript was originally supposed to be Scheme but ended up having C syntax for political reasons.

(cond) exists in pure R5RS, and probably all the others.

  GOTO 10

I love this guy

This is on the front page, so maybe this is a good place to remind people that GeoCities is being shut down today. If there is some content you want, make sure to download it and/or have the Internet Archive crawl it ASAP (See gojomo's comment).

It isn't over until the fat lady sings. Stay tuned :)

This wouldn't have anything to do with that "rush job" you posted about, would it? :p

Truly genius website parody.

Nicely done.

When do we get to retire myspace, which is essentially geocities 2.0 ?

Angelfire was Geocities 0.9


I think I had one of each.

In summary: Geocities -> Angelfire -> Tripod -> Friendster -> MySpace -> Facebook -> Twitter -> etc...

You forgot LiveJournal.

Awesome, spot on!

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