Something that recently caused an interesting amount of problems for me was the simple fact that the modulo operation with negative numbers changes its behaviour depending on the programming language:
While we had to implement the Modulo operation as part of an assignment in assembler, several other students and me started discussing this topic, ultimately settling on "do whatever you want, just write down what it’s supposed to do", because we couldn’t really agree on which would be the better solution.
Actually, if you consider strict nomenclature, modulo should be positive since it's a mathematical concept and that's what it's mathematical definition would require.
The fact that it has been (ab)used as a shorthand for the remainder of integer division is unfortunate, but that suggests there ought to be a "remainder" keyword (or operator).
We've gotten into a bad habit of calling things by the name of their implementation rather than by what we actually expect of them. This confusion is just a side effect of that problem.
Interesting, but it seems to be unaware of some Clojure libs. It suggests,
(.trim " foo ") ;; Java interop
instead of,
(trim " foo ") ;; With clojure.string
Clojure.string is available from Clojure 1.2, which is ostensibly the version used in the comparison, yet is for some reason not actually utilized. (By the way, we're approaching Clojure 1.7 at the moment)
I just skimmed this, but a large fraction of their information was just wrong for common-lisp, even if you assume a standard readtable.
One example: they state "anything without a space and is not a number" for identifiers; it's hard for that to be more wrong.
The actual rule is: a single token that could either be a symbol or a number should start with any non-macro character, and can be made up of any combination of non-macro and non-terminating macro characters, as well as any escaped characters. For example:
Disappointed there's no integer division, or explanation of the different division operator behaviours (some languages have separate integer and float operators, some use floats if indivisible but otherwise integers, some do integer or float depending on the operand types, etc.)
A cursory skim leaves the impression of just how alone Haskell is on many syntactic choices (though supposedly with alot in common with "Merd".) I never took the time to learn Haskell, but it always looks beautiful on an aesthetic level, which differentiates it from the other loners in the list.
Can anyone point me to any papers/documentation/discussion on WHY certain syntax decisions were made? Many could have been arbitrary choices to match the constructs, but the way the community presents itself makes me think there's more to it.
The best part of Haskell is that function application is just whitespace.
f x = f(x)
I would attribute almost 90% of it's elegance to that idea alone. (This is not an exact number or measured estimate.)
I also have a major thing for pattern-matching, and it always seems nice when you know that's what you're looking at. For instance, it is far easier to understand what `int * * var` is in C if you see it as a kind of pattern de-structuring.
>The best part of Haskell is that function application is just whitespace.
It's the worst part, in my opinion. Is A B C D equal to A(B(C(D))), A(B,C,D), A(B,C(D)), A(B(C),D) or A(B(C,D))? Often you need to disambiguate with parentheses, so I guess there is some default interpretation that you can assume when reading code, but in the end it just looks like an unnecessary mental translation step.
Lisp has weird syntax, but lisp has a reason to have that syntax. Haskell has a weird syntax because it wants to either be different for different's sake or to just be plain inaccessible.
1. all functions take a single argument (i.e., are curried)
2. function application is left-associative
So "a b c d" is just applying the function "a b c" with the argument "d", the same as "(a b c) d". "a b c" is the application of "c" to the function "a b", which, in turn, is the application of "b" to "a". So "a b c d" is the same as "((a b) c) d".
I personally find using the space symbol for a core concept of the language (function application) very elegant, and not dissimilar to other languages that strive to have simple and consistent syntax, like Smalltalk, where "obj meth1 meth2 meth3" is the same as "((obj meth1) meth2) meth3", even though Haskell and Smalltalk might be as different as programming languages can get :)
How does currying help? You still have to figure out which argument belongs to which function. GHC demands parentheses if you try to write A(B(C(D))) as A B C D, so I'm pretty sure I'm right.
No, you're wrong. `A(B(C(D)))` is different from `(((A B) C) D)` (which is the parenthesized version of `A B C D`).
Currying allows simple partial application; if A is a function that "takes 3 arguments" (i.e. it has type `w -> x -> y -> z`, which means that it takes an argument of type `w` and returns a function with type `x -> y -> z`, which takes an argument ...), you can say e.g.
Its arguably confusing, due to the lack of parentheses factoring a list of functions into one or more invocations. How is the nesting done here? Something more subtle. A lifetime of reading parenthesized functions is going to be confounded by changing the convention - which equals 'confusing'
I think you're probably overestimating the difference. Here is an algorithm for mechanically transforming a C function call to a Haskell function call:
for all arguments in the function
if the argument is not a symbol surround it with parentheses
delete all commas
delete the two initial parentheses
And an algorithm for converting Haskell calls to C calls:
put an open parenthesis between the first expression and second expression
put a close parenthesis at the end of the expression
put commas between all expressions between these two parentheses
The fact that it's so easy to convert between them highlights to me that they are both pretty easy.
I understand currying and partial function application. That's not the problem. The problem is that function application whitespace demands an arbitrary application precedence and obscures function signature to the reader.
ah, that. Well, you get used to it. Also, it helps that application has the highest precedence, so it's quite easy to read expressions like `f x y + g z` (i.e. `(f x y) + (g z)`).
A B C D is necessarily equal to A(B,C,D) in C-family syntax due to the precedence rules, there is no ambiguity.
The reason whitespace is more elegant is because your functions can return other functions, which due to function currying and partial application is equivalent to your function simply taking more arguments.
I'll use Python as an example.
def flip(f): return lambda a,b : f(b,a)
That is, it's a function that takes a function of two arguments, and returns a function that does the same thing, but with the argument order flipped.
To use these function, it would look like:
In Haskell, a direct translation with the lambda would be:
flip f = \a b -> f b a
The type of which could be written as:
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> (b -> a -> c)
That is, a function which takes one argument, that argument is a function that takes two arguments of types a and b and yields a value of type c, and returns a function that takes two arguments of types b and a and yields a value of type c.
We could use this function like:
(flip f) a b
But due to function precedence we could use
flip f a b
This segues into an equivalent (and arguably better) way to write the function taking advantage of partial application and currying:
flip :: (a -> b -> c) -> b -> a -> c
flip f a b = f b a
Yes, there is operator precedence, but it only matters for infix notation. Or rather, function application has highest precedence, so there is no ambiguity using it.
My broader point was that the space is the most common symbol in English because the function that it performs is the most fundamental action of the language. And since Haskell is a functional language, function application is fundamental, and thus you gain a lot of terseness by using spaces to denote it.
Lisp does the same thing: `(+ a b)`, it just puts parentheses around things to make the parsing rules simpler. If you parse it in a different way, you won't need that many parentheses.
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