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Without any hard data to back the statement, I can say that I feel it's a trend. But it might just be a trend within our always connected tech subculture. It should also be a sign to people to learn how to discipline themselves better to avoid burnout or loss of appreciation for taking it slow. I nearly hit that point 3 years ago and instead of going cold turkey on the web, I just slowed it down.

After about 3 months, I realised I didn't need to ALWAYS be on twitter to be updated about the latest piece of tech news. I didn't need to ALWAYS be on my RSS feeds for every possible update in my other fields of interest.

As a result I have occasionally missed out on updates of new programming language features, and some security updates. But none of it has ever affected me in a way that made me wish I was on to things sooner. (except for effing shellshock. I just backed up, wiped, and switched off both my servers till it became safe)

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