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The link you provided suggests it is a 'simple maze'? What is a true maze by your definition?

One that has at least an entry and a connected exit or some defined goal somewhere in the maze with a connection to the exit.

For proper maze generation see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maze_generation_algorithm

Here's a simple JS snippet that overwrites any loaded page in the browser when pasted into the console. Or live here: http://jsfiddle.net/15fmx4L7/

    var d = document, tiles = ["\u2571","\u2572"], i = 0, s = 12, b, s, l;

    b = d.body;
    b.style.cssText = "font-size:" + s + "px;"
    b.style.cssText += "word-wrap:break-word;padding:0;margin:0;line-height:100%";
    l = Math.floor(b.clientHeight/s) * Math.floor(b.clientWidth/s);

    while (i < l) { 
It's dead simple and relies a lot on known output formatting, which requires some CSS fluff. The core function though is a simple stream of random code points from a set of two, really nothing spectacular to see here:

    while (1) {document.write(["\","/"][Math.round(Math.random())]);}
This does not generate a maze, it's a pure tiling side effect, which might generate by chance a tunnel through the pattern. If you look closely you'll find no T-type intersections or any other kind of path bifurcation.

In K you could do:

{x}{...;x}/1 is essentially while(true) {}.

`0: writes values to standard output.

"/\\"1?2 indexes into a two element array given the result of selecting one random result from the numbers up to but excluding 2.

Here is thirteen bytes of your program:

    var d = docum

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