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There's nothing wrong with jails. Its a robust technology that's been battle tested for a decade. They provide lots of awesome features that are useful for reasons other than security. In fact, the primary reason I use jails is not for security at all. And, AFAIK there are no exploits in the wild for jails. Like any containerization or virtualization technology there are theoretical holes. I'd stake a large sum of money that we see major vulnerabilities in LXC/Docker in the next 5 years, we just haven't because they haven't been around as long.

I'd love to see a source for just about anything that blog claims because it reads like FUD and contains some factual inaccuracies like chroot not being in FreeBSD by the time jails were added. It also doesn't seem to understand what the difference between the base and the kernel is in FreeBSD. Jails are implemented similarly to LXC/Docker by having a few syscalls in the kernal for namespace isolation and the bulk of the execution happening in userspace.

Just out of interest, what other reasons do you use Jails for?

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