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That site has... Interesting data. It seems to be granulated based on zip code. It shows, for mine:

1 cable provider

2 ADSL providers

It shows FiOS also, but I can almost guarantee that there is no residence within this zip code that can get it. So, the real question is, how much do you consider ADSL "broadband"?

Considering most urban ADSL runs at 15/1Mbps standard it very much is broadband. I guess American providers just like having larger distances and thus lower speed on their wires, but there's nothing wrong with ADSL.

No. A lot of it can't go above 3 Mbps download. 15 is available only if you are very close to the box. So it's definitely not most.

What is your zip code? I am quite certain there's just not one residential broadband provider in your area.

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