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loosely defined, frameworks call your code

You're interpreting the poster by pulling the definition past the breaking point of any utility to this conversation.

Either air your grievances with the word "framework", or try and read what the author meant.

Alright, to be more strict, let me quote the definition per Wikipedia:

> In computer programming, a software framework is an abstraction in which software providing generic functionality can be selectively changed by additional user-written code, thus providing application-specific software. [1]

I fail to see how I'm stretching this definition at all, especially if you read further into the wikipedia article. I believe it's critical that I acknowledge when I'm wrong, lest I stay stagnant in my understanding, but I don't think I'm wrong here, unless somebody wants to point out a specific area.

Userland software customizes and reuses default behavior of the OS for application-specific purposes. Web pages customize and reuse default behavior defined by the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript specifications. Same goes for Operating Systems on top of the BIOS and on top of the hardware itself.

Frameworks are useful, basically unavoidable, and critical to take the time to understand if we're going to be effective at any level, be it consuming them or providing them.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_framework

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