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Exactly, that's why I picked ARM. So that line does not trace back to IBM in any way, besides, Intel isn't IBM.

So that line does not trace back to IBM in any way, besides, Intel isn't IBM.

eh.. sorta.[0].

IBM had significant stake in Intel during the time period we're talking about, and that whole period was filled with anti-trust talk, which turned into actual anti-trust fire a few years later in the 90s.

I may not have been blunt enough in my other comment, but I was alluding to the idea that IBM and Intel may have been involved in anti-competitive behavior against Acorn, which caused them to innovate in such a way that created the systems we enjoy today (modern mobile). The idea that the pressures on the company spawned innovation.

[0]: http://articles.latimes.com/1987-08-29/business/fi-1393_1_in...

'Was the cause of a complete redevelopment' is the polar opposite of 'can be traced back to' whatever ugly dealings IBM and Intel may have had (which doesn't surprise me one bit).

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