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This is kind of funny, in a sad way. I mean in the USA the NSA is still saying that the never, never spy on private information, maybe sometimes, in rare cases, on non americans.

While in england they are all like, "No more spying in secret, time to actually take your rights away".

The english are hardcore, the NSA has more freedom in england than in the US. Sad, but funny.

I'm not very involved in politics but it looks like I need to go voting to make sure he doesn't get in.

[1] is probably the best analysis of the field. Last week on BBC Question Time, the folks on the panel and in the audience all seemed very hostile to limits on freedom of speech - though they noted that those rights are much more robust in the US. Perhaps this is Cameron's attempt to make sure that UKIP doesn't steal away some Conservative votes. UKIP seems most hostile to immigrants, from what I can tell. (I don't live in the UK, so perhaps someone can correct/expand).

[1] http://may2015.com/

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