To get pleasantries out of the way, I am glad to see Matt Turck here on HN. The meetup he hosts, Data Driven NYC, attracts a large number of both very high caliber of guest speakers and attendees. The several times I have been there, I enjoyed the presentations and the discussions afterwards thoroughly. which I was introduced to at this meetup, was one of the more interesting startups there. If I wasn't as happy as I am at Handy, would be foremost among companies I would consider working at; their challenges are many. This is one of the highest endorsements can be bestowed upon a firm and its product by an engineer.
While is very exciting, I have several concerns about their product and their chances at success.
1) Most meetings are scheduled internally within a firm where calendars are visible and shared. An AI PA that simply locks down time slots doesn't have much value add beyond what the calendars currently provide.
2) There are privacy concerns. Many will not trust with their calendar data due to concerns about data-mining or sharing their data.
3) There are other privacy concerns. People may not trust Amy and Andrew not to be social engineered by others to leak their calendars. The fact that person is busy at a certain time or for a certain duration or within a certain vicinity is potentially useful to people whose goals are more than just scheduling a meeting. This kind of over sharing may not be worse than goes on with Facebook, but the letters A.I. will make it sound scarier.
My last point is a wish. Most of my non-work meetings are scheduled over #1 text messaging and #2 Facebook. I would like to see support other mediums than just email.
1) Perceived Risk. AI makes any activity 10 times scarier than same activity without. People will irrationally fear that their AI PA turns into HAL 9000[1] or their self-driving car turns into Project Satan[2].
2) Actual Risk. Software has bugs. When software is meant to give out some subset of data it is not unknown for it to give out more data than it means to. A human PA may make mistakes and blurb something that he/she shouldn't have, but he/she also knows when to stop giving out information. If a particularly trained AI starts leaking out information, it will happily do so for user after user after user.
The video clip talked about learning -- what's to learn?
For the sharing of calendars, why is that necessary?
So, my software sends you and three other people e-mail asking for a
meeting with all of us somewhere in NYC Midtown next week.
So, each of you sends back some candidate times.
If you have the same software, it grabs the e-mail
(say, from some tag in the header lines)
and sends back to my e-mail some candidate
times. My software answers, and there is a
negotiation. If each person invited has
the same software, then the software can
negotiate, very soon, when all the software
agents can be available to negotiate
with my software agent, and then the negotiation
can go really fast.
Sure, if your software proposes several times
and my software won't accept any of those,
then someone looking at the e-mail flows
could find times when I was busy. A biggie?
Maybe not.
Once all the agents are available, they
could negotiate how to communicate
peer to peer, that is, faster than
e-mail, and really extensive negotiations
could be done in less than a second.
And the peer to peer traffic could
be encrypted and, really, not easily
available otherwise, that is,
relatively secure.
My agent could have my appointments already
and know when I will be at a meeting
in NJ and consider my travel time to
NYC Midtown to know when I could be
available at Midtown.
What else to do?
What's wrong with that outline?
Where's the AI or the learning needed?
Yes, there could be some high push
for virality and a network effect.
But, then, still, there's no very good
barrier to entry. I.e., it's awfully
easy to program, and if the scheduling
software of some one company
wants to schedule only with other copies
of their software, then a disrupting
company could offer to have open
communications and be willing to
schedule with other software.
Then this little idea would go for
nearly a freebie, and no one would
make any money.
Ah, but encrypted communications and
communicating with other software
combine to yield a security problem --
anyone could write fake software that
would report the unencrypted data.
More generally, does look hackable
so that there would be security risks.
Maybe a must-have for some people,
but if they are meeting outside their
office then there's a lot of travel
likely. In that case, maybe use
video conferencing.
Marketing, I assume. Giving people their very own Jarvis to interact with could be a selling point (even if it's less efficient than a GUI-based scheduling solution), and the "AI" buzzword will certainly draw more attention to the product than a scheduling app would normally get.
Building a conversation model which can negotiate with multiple guests on behalf of the host in plain english is not easy (for us). This includes simple social concepts such as "compromise" - say, when to push for one location over another. The information extraction problem alone is a major challenge.
No buzzwords needed, we are just trying to do some good work, and if we succeed, we think many people would like it:
Gads. That's tough to do well, and as a
user I'd always wonder if the software got it
right unless I just kept checking.
And why try with plain English? Heck,
long ago I commonly wrote Fortran programs
with very easy to use input: Start with a file
that asks for all the data. Each line of that
file starts with some character to indicate
that the line is such a request and
with, say, a number, to indicate what request
it is. Then a user just types in their
data after each such request. It's dirt
simple to implement and for users to use.
So, for human readable input, just do it
that way. Natural language understanding --
f'get about it.
Once I programmed something where the
human input was a lot like XML --
really simple to use.
I agree and I could easily see myself use something like that. However, I want something (naively perhaps) which my Mom can use. My worst nightmare is one where early users inadvertently create some sort of "syntax" which my mom use to discard this as a service for her. Like she discarded the idea of twitter, because people created a RT, MT $bla #bla etc. "syntax".
Your goal is fine, fully appropriate.
Of course your mom should be able to use it;
anyone who can type and read should be able
to use it. Fine. And there is no need
for any nonsense gibberish such as
"RT, MT".
But, I believe you are over estimating the importance
of having some natural language understanding,
under estimating the difficulty of achieving that
understanding reliably in software,
and are very much under estimating how easy
to use, even for your mother, for anyone
who can type, something like I outlined can be.
E.g., when I was in grad school, I took out some
time to earn some money so that my wife and I
could complete our Ph.D. degrees. For the money,
I worked as an applied mathematician, computer
guy in a research shop doing work mostly for
the US Navy. So, yes, we had secretaries who
did a lot of typing but had no word processing.
As part of my work in applied math, I ended up
as system administrator of a super-mini computer.
Of course, for programming, it had a text editor.
If only for writing the computer manuals, it
had a simple text formatting program, call it
a member of the family of Runoff programs.
And I'd gotten a daisy wheel printer nicely
driven -- asynchronous serial communications
with ASCII characters and the XON/XOFF
handshaking (pacing)
protocol -- by
the computer. So, we were GO to do a LOT of
Soon enough the secretaries wanted to get on
board with this new stuff. So,
for them, one at a time, we pulled
some 5 conductor, general purpose
signal cable with a 25 pin plug at each
end (we only connected the pins for the
SIGNAL GROUND), and a dumb terminal.
Bottom line: All the secretaries got
on board right away. The ones without
a terminal begged for one. No one
ever gave one of the secretaries more than
a few minutes of 'training'. They all caught
on right away, to logon, files, the hierarchical
file system, the text editor, the runoff program,
the daisy wheel printer, etc. Right away.
Later as a college prof, I did the same
for the business school, and again the
secretaries 'got it' right away.
Gee, we weren't asking them to write
macros in TeX!
So, back to my suggestion:
You want an appointment. So, you send something
=== May we meet? Let's pick a time and place.
=== My name
=== My job
=== My e-mail address
=== My phone number
=== Subject of meeting
=== When to meet
=== Where to meet
or some such. Then you use just typing to
insert data
under each of these or some such,
likely need something better, but you
get the idea, and send your e-mail.
A human, including your mother, can read it
and respond. And they can respond with a
similar e-mail.
If either end of the communications is using
your software, then the software can
read that data and make sense of it
much easier than for natural language processing.
Or, send the person some e-mail with a URL
to a server with a Web page with a form and
some JavaScript to help the person fill out
the form. Then we're into just
a Web form solution that we know very well
how to handle.
Forms work great; people are really good
at entering data into forms.
For people who have your app, it can replace
the Web site.
No way do you have to use gibberish such as
"RT, MT". Instead, everything a user reads
can be in complete English sentences with
a button with Help for more explanations, etc.
It can be easier to use than most Web forms,
and 1+ billion people use those.
It can be easier to use than Google,
e.g., where Google has those little horizontal
bars to indicate (I never got that memo or
read any explanation in a help message)
for more options. Last I checked, Google
had a lot of users.
It can be easier to
use than the Amazon Web site, easier to use
than Facebook.
You are underestimating
the ability of your target users to
make use of simple computer user interfaces.
My guess is that there is no way natural language
processing can be good enough
that, net, it is easier to use than
just some simple forms or something like
I outlined above.
Gibberish like "RT, MT" is really a straw man to
knock down. Instead, never but never should
there ever be any gibberish or undefined terminology
or undefined acronyms in any user interface. That
rule is easy to obey, and natural language processing
is a very hard way to obey it.
The real business need and opportunity is
meeting scheduling, not finding
work for natural language processing.
Well the scheduling program works as your PA, and is expected to deal with other humans who want to schedule meetings with you. So not only does it have to understand their correspondence, it also has to negotiate with them. This requires NLP
As someone else mentioned, that would require the other party to click a link and be directed to some webpage for said form. I agree, that's not too much of a hassle and in my instances can be far more effective than setting up a meeting on email (for example if it displays the free slots of all involved parties like, but that's what is offering: letting people scedule the way they already do
Building expertise in the field. I believe that the goal was first of all to apply ai to a problem that seemed approachable. If they can keep it going, they will have more than enough expertise for a pivot into something more exciting with their machine learning tech.
From : AI researcher Rodney Brooks complains "Every time we figure out a piece of it, it stops being magical; we say, 'Oh, that's just a computation.'"
Does the highly conversational tone make it easier or harder to parse?
Because, I for one, would feel uncomfortable using such a conversational tone with an algorithm. I'm curious if they are encouraging anthropomorphism because...
Amy will succeed more often in parsing this style of writing?
This is how people *want* to talk to their AI scheduler?
People should think of "Amy" as maybe a little-bit human?
People should *confuse* "Amy" with a human?
The more natural tone will increase user engagement?
I for one would write to my AI scheduler in a much more direct tone. "Will miss tomorrow's 1pm", "Reschedule John, late next week.", "Will get in Wednesday after noon.", etc. No "Hi Amy", no complete sentences, no banter for me at least. It does remind me a bit of "Her", and the premise that one should not be overly colloquial with one's computers.
Edit: I just went to the site and saw the ad copy for 'How it works'. It appears the answer is closer to making the Amy algorithm actually appear human. Users pretend they are CC'ing a real person, and unless the other participants on the email know better, they converse with as if it really is a human? That is ELIZA territory and trying to actually beat the Turing test is a lofty goal indeed, I think far surpassing the challenge of merely scheduling meetings.
Looking at the jobs page, it looks as if the Amy AI doesn't exist yet. Amy will be a large corps of low paid staff until she has lots of training data.
This is pure astroturf. There are dozens of solutions already for this, not to mention most corporations you can just view someone's calendar and pick a time whenever everyone is available.
Have you attempted to schedule a meeting with 3 busy people in your company with 3 busy executives and PMs from a client? It is annoying and frustrating.
Most of the solutions I'm familiar with require all scheduling parties to be on the same Exchange Server with calendar busy/away shared. Or you have to click-thru to a website and then deal with creating a user account.
Using email seems like a nice friction-free way forward. I hope they get traction!
Sure - but the solution usually involves deciding who the least important attendees are, scheduling it over their busy calendar times whenever it suits the execs, and expecting them to suck it up. I don't see how AI is going to help with that.
Forcing humans to use written natural language when dealing with a machine (complete with politeness formulas, etc) seems like a dreadfully inefficient UX.
Why force users to type several sentences (minutes wasted on a mobile device) when a couple taps/click in a GUI would suffice? Not to mention the risk for ambiguity that lies in natural language processing (unless this company has already solved the problem of strong AI?).
Amy (the humanized name of the bot) is about the worst and most intrusive business tool I've encountered. My business partner uses the "amy" bot. It likes to spam me with 20 questions about when to schedule a meeting, each time asking me for other times whenever something doesn't work. And god help me if I ever forget to put an "IST" after every single time I mention. If I send it "8PM IST, 9PM IST or 10PM", there is a good chance it will give me a 10PM EST meeting.
In contrast, consider doodle (, which is exactly the GUI you are imagining. It shows me a grid of possible times. I click the times that are good. It detects my location and automatically displays times in IST. Takes me about 15 seconds to use with no confusion. seems to be solving the problem of "I wish I had a secretary, but can't afford one". That's not the same problem as "lets schedule meetings in the most efficient way possible".
Dear folks, if any of you are reading this thread: please clone doodle and stick an link into the amy emails. If you do this, I'll consider deleting the gmail filter which currently blocks all emails from
Doodle is interesting, thanks for mentioning them. But I was exploring their product and come to find they list SSL as a paid feature on their "Private" plan. SSL is really, truly not a paid feature. I found that off-putting and a bit shameful.
True, you need to pay them a shocking 2.5 euros/month in order to access all the important features (calendar integration, SSL, etc). Why don't the devs there just work for free?
Incidentally I don't mean to suggest doodle as necessarily the best service of this sort. The only reason I remember doodle specifically is because someone used it on me last week.
Hmm... You should absolutely pay for features, if you want them, I would never say otherwise. My point is that SSL is not a feature, it's table stakes. Are you saying you think SSL on your login form is an upsell?
Having this discussion on Twitter right now with one of their developers. Go to their home page and click 'Sign in'. See the username/password prompt? Now, look at the URL bar. See something missing? In fact, the request is POST to https://... but the point is the user has no assurance that's the case. A web login form MUST be served from a top-level document under HTTPS.
The weird thing is that, in fact, the dev said they do provide SSL when logged into the app all the time to all users. It's only SSL on their public site that they only provide to paying customers. Well, I don't get that at all. And anyway it seems broken because I have a 14-day Premium Trial and I'm not getting that "feature". Just altogether very weird vibe. Anyway, this is now way OT for this thread.
To provide a custom GUI, you would need people to click on a link in the email, which sends them to an external website.
Or, you would need to have them use an app, and make sure it is installed.
In both cases, the users would need to understand the UI. Even the most super-obvious UI takes a little focus to follow and use properly. Especially if they want something a little out of the ordinary ("if X is good, then X, otherwise Y, but only if Z").
Compared to those, writing a sentence in English actually sounds fairly convenient - that's how humans communicate naturally.
It is very hard to do an asynchronous negotiation with another human in an APP like setting. It is also hard (perhaps impossible) to create a UX experience which anticipates all potential future requests.
- Hi Amy, can we push the meeting tomorrow 20 min ?
- Hi Amy, let’s do the meeting when John is back from holidays (Friday, yes?)
- Hi Amy, Let’s do the meeting end of next week, preferably Thursday
- Hi Amy, Have John call my Skype (if he's got an account) instead of Cell, and add Linda to the invite please.
- Hi Amy, set something up with Jordy from Softbank next week, heck, I'll do something outside my scheduling hours as long as it is next week.
I scheduled 1019 meetings myself as startup founder in 2012 [0] and this is all I want, which obviously does not equal us being able to pull it off.
Now that's the first startup I've been excited to read about in a while. It seems to be a very sensible first step in solving the "email inbox is our new todo list" [0] that pg mentioned a few years ago. If they actually success (sadly, it seems they're still in some kind of beta mode), there is a whole vertical of gazillions things with regards to email that they can follow up on.
Interestingly, in a sense as more people are using it, there's a chance that the technical aspect get easier (two users try to schedule something!). At least until a (hypothetical and will never happen) scenario in which every single email users will be using, at which point the program turns into a giant optimization and scheduling program, which will be hard - just something fun to think about.
Also, holy buzzwords and business-speak, I really like the startup, but I feel uneasy reading the article.
I work at a Fortune 50. Eventually, it'd be great to have something like "watching" emails fly through an internal SMTP server, and then decide if parties external to the conversation ought to be involved. There's a good amount of effort duplication and projects which fall short of their true potential because the right humans weren't involved.
Sure it sounds cool that if Alice asks Bob about some internal API and Bob says he doesn't know about it much, the system should suggest involving Carl who actually wrote the API. But who would want a system to read their emails? Heck even if you imagine the whole situation in real life, where you randomly pop in between two strangers and give them a suggestion (no matter how useful) they will consider you a creep for eavesdropping on them. Do this often enough and you are bound to be chased through the streets by an angry mob.
Plus, think of all the times the AI doesn't understand the conversation and makes crappy suggestions. Like each time that API is cmentioned, suppose the system says "involve Carl! He's a Pro". i Can see this getting annoying really fast
I've signed up and am looking forward to giving a go.
The thing I'm puzzled by is how Amy can possibly follow the most important rule of physical meeting scheduling, namely: "you go to the money, the money doesn't come to you". In other words: vendor goes to startup founder's office, startup founder goes to VC's office, VC goes to LP's office... How does Amy know enough about your business hierarchy to respect that rule?
I think generally you would tell Amy where you expect to meet up-front, although the example in the ad copy makes it sounds like location is negotiable, and indeed somehow the algorithm can deduce the rules and social mores.
One way to think about it, if the first thing the algorithm can do is score its own confidence in its "level of contextual understanding" and "confidence score in the decision" then can put thresholds in place that get the threshold emails into the hands of actual humans when they need to be.
If the goal is 'up to 100% automation', the idea is exploit the 80/20 rule to launch quickly, and then pour money into making 80% -> 99%. So I guess the crucial question is, does the algorithm know its own limits?
The interesting pressure relief valve, is if a location isn't calculable with a high enough certainty, Amy would kindly ask her operator for assistance in resolving the quandary.
Absolutely agree. We must understand the social dynamics that are inherently built into every meeting - and this is one 4 major challenges we are working on going forward.
But our early beta users should not be to shy to cue in Amy:
- Amy, set something up with Lerer in Soho
- Amy, can you arrange breakfast with Matt and FirstMark please. They can pick a place.
- Amy, setup a data science / whiteboard chat for Prateek and I *
* My default meeting location is 48 Wall (Amy knows that, and simply assume I want this location used for a new candidate interview)
Well, I cc'ed Eric, Ken and Taylor, and Amy worked with them individually to find the best time. Upon conclusion, she sent the invite AND out came a $check. ;)
The human part is a data annotation part, something which helps us move towards full automation. There is obviously no way a human operation will ever get to the end of those ~10 Billion formal meetings being scheduled in the US every year. Heck, we might die trying to fully automate this and we are certainly not finished yet, but I think we are off to a good start and we are fighting for that 100% Automation goal every single day. Feel free to email me if you want to join 24 other propellerheads on that mission :)
My bad, let me rephrase, near 100%.
Super naive perhaps, but we feel it is worth a shot. Hell, we might die trying, but we'll certainly come out a whole lot wiser on the other side.
If this product develops successfully and gains adoption, it will be a huge deal. I've heard repeatedly that scheduling is one of the biggest problems that executives have and it's one of the main reasons that they get personal assistants. It's good to have someone to get coffee or pick up laundry, but scheduling back and forth is a tedious task that takes up a lot of time. I've been thinking about an ai solution to this for awhile now, it's good to see one emerge and be used in the wild.
The concept of a good ai based personal assistant is one of the Next Big Things. And I mean facebook size big thing. If the busiest and most important people in society start doing all of their scheduling through one software platform it won't be long before everyone else follows. And that opens the door to all kinds of other social and communication services. "Have your bot talk to my bot and we'll figure out a good time to meet up". Maintaining a list of your friends and contacts is important, but algorithmically maintaining your relationships and schedule is even moreso. Ton of value here waiting to be unlocked.
As with all data based applications, the value increases exponentially with the amount of data being analyzed. The ideal personal assistant is one that will make the same decisions that you would make in the absence of instruction. If you tell a PA "book dinner reservations for my wife and I next thursday", a good assistant will know what kind of restaurant is appropriate, where you like to sit, whether you prefer dinner at 7:30 or 8:30, etc. You don't have to say, because they learn your preferences from the data they've collected from you and previous employers. Just like a computer would. There are a ton of small breakthroughs and conceptual leaps to be made between there and where we are now and the field is still wide open. seems like an encouraging step in that direction, one that I'll be watching closely.
I think you could accurately say machine learning is a subfield of ai. I think of it as the mathematical toolbag with which many ai applications are built.
(Before he edited his post OP had a comment about the confusion between the terms 'machine learning' and 'artificial intelligence')... Put another way I think machine learning specifically refers to the mathematical ideas used to teach things to a machine, and the ai to the resulting entity which often makes use machine learning techniques(usually in addition to specialized code specific to the application).
I think some people feel that "general intelligence" would require a paradigm that somehow transcends math and algorithms which seem to only result in specialized a.i's. And that maybe it all needs to be tossed out and re-examined with a blank slate. On the other hand, i would suggest that specialized ai software will become more and more generalized until we can't tell the difference. I think it's all about having a sane perspective. In this day and age with machines and gadgets in every room, man-made artifacts teach us how to think, and we teach machines how to think in a recursive interdependent cycle.
In that sense reaching the final goal post means progressively improving our machines to be active communicators and good listeners, to the point where they can learn things from each other. Eventually their interactions will become complex enough that their communications will be unpredictable but still productive on the whole. So we'll leave them on so they can talk. At which point you could call it a society of machines....
Anyway I guess the point is specificity of language seems to be important learning and thinking about AIs.
> I think you could accurately say machine learning is a subfield of ai.
Yes, that is a widely accepted view of AI/ML. "AI" designates any method to give machines cognitive capabilities, while ML is a particular family of techniques (statistical learning) for giving machine such capabilities. Other branches of AI would include symbolic AI, expert systems, and other 70s techniques where processes were explicitly programmed rather than learned from data.
Today, because these other branches have largely fallen out of favor over the past 40 years, ML has become almost synonymous with AI. The semantic distinction is still there, though.
Definitely sounds promising, I spend a lot of time either seeing up meetings myself or syncing with people who need to invite me to one.
The FAQ actually answers none of the questions I ask myself in considering to try it.
Is it good at dealing with timezones? I always get invited to meetings where people give me the time in their timezone, I have to realize that time wouldn't make sense for them if it was in my timezone etc etc.
The other question is regarding the fact that I don't communicate with everyone in english. There is no mention of how good Amy is when switching to and from different languages. This last one is one of the reasons I never used virtual assistants.
Amy (the "AI Assistant") loves timezones and does exactly what you suggest. Speaks to each participant in their local timezone, understand what time it is for each participant so no silly suggestions are made, and she understands the concept of compromise when somebody in New York is to meet with a guy in Singapore (where no great time really exist for either party).
Finally, she only understands English today (2015). We are super ambitious, but we want Amy to perfect one language at a time. dmortensen keeps pitching for Danish as Amy's next language around the office...we'll see.
What if one doesn't use any calendar product? I usually agree with my business partners on a date/time by voice, then more often than not they create a GC event (probably to mark it in their agenda) and I get an email that I don't answer. They know I'll be there. I guess that is valuable if people don't talk each other and let it decide the time of the meeting but it probably works only if one annotates all his/her life in a calendar.
Amy (The AI Assistant) remember all the meetings she set up for you (and she'll remind you if needed) - so even if you did not have a calendar, she would avoid conflicts (unless you hide things from her).
We have this fantasy (delusion perhaps) of us becoming arbiters of time. You don't need a calendar, because Amy will help manage your time. One step at a time though and the problem is hard enough as is, before we print "Arbiter of Time" t-shirts.
How does Amy know what time to schedule the first meeting she sets up for you? Do you have to suggest a couple of times? Or do you have to set up a Google Calendar for Amy?
I am not sure I would be offended if somebody called a service "Dennis" (probably the opposite). That aside, use Andrew Ingram instead, or name her yourself and move her to your domain (the most obvious premium product we have in mind).
when two people using try to schedule a meeting (and regardless of whether one is on Google Calendar and the other on Exchange for example), then meetings get immediately scheduled without any of the usual back and forth.
Many points raised here are valid concerns and should be addressed by the data scientists when designing the system.
Let's just not forget about the positives here: there is a company that openly uses term "A.I." and raised a lot of money. Am I the only one here waiting for the AI Winter to be over [1]? Maybe it's not the best A.I., yet, but they got the funding. Personally, I think that's great and I hope for others to come out of the closet.
The AI winter has been over for a couple years, we're in the middle of a torrid summer right now (triggered by the deep learning craze). There is a rush in the VC world to throw millions at any new AI startup, especially if it has "deep learning" in its pitch deck.
So far it has paid out, because large tech companies (Google, Facebook, Baidu, etc.) have been on a deep learning startup acqui-hiring spree. It might not last, though. Any company that bases its marketing on "AI" and subsequently fails to deliver is bringing us closer to the next AI winter.
His points about specialized AIs are spot on. I have a specialized AI start up where we trained software to do realistic 3D reconstruction of humans. Our AI simply knows how to go from photo to 3D via knowledge of the human face. We inter-operate with conversational agents to create lip syncing knowledge base backed avatars. is the site. We're constantly learning of and meeting with other specialized AI companies and combining efforts to create pretty interesting pipelines of capabilities for various projects.
Good personal assistants (e.g. executive assistants) also base their information on information not available in email; e.g. conversations and non-verbal cues. Good ones carefully guard and (implicitly) prioritize their boss' time. I am skeptical that an AI lacking such information would have the necessary data to replace a human.
Doesn't need to replace a human; just needs to be Good Enough™ to save the human 80% of the time they would spend in unproductive back and forth.
Just like a dishwasher is not a replacement for a scullery maid; and won't individually polish each piece of silverware like a proper butler. This doesn't need to be a human level fully rounded intelligence imbued with common-sense. It just needs to be able to reconcile schedules and locations and travel times.
It doesn't have to replace a human, it just has to reduce the work that has to be done by one to a degree that paying for is a compelling proposition.
Yes, exactly his point. Scheduling meetings doesn't get more exciting because you strap some statistical natural-language processing to it and call it "AI", as if that was a meaningful term.
It's not supposed to be exciting; 87 US knowledge workers schedule a little bit above 10 billion meetings a year. I just want to help them do that (no more, no less). Users couldn't care less how it is done and I would be very hesitant to market this under any "AI"/STAT/ML/NLP moniker. So back to my starting point - we just schedule meetings.
While is very exciting, I have several concerns about their product and their chances at success.
1) Most meetings are scheduled internally within a firm where calendars are visible and shared. An AI PA that simply locks down time slots doesn't have much value add beyond what the calendars currently provide.
2) There are privacy concerns. Many will not trust with their calendar data due to concerns about data-mining or sharing their data.
3) There are other privacy concerns. People may not trust Amy and Andrew not to be social engineered by others to leak their calendars. The fact that person is busy at a certain time or for a certain duration or within a certain vicinity is potentially useful to people whose goals are more than just scheduling a meeting. This kind of over sharing may not be worse than goes on with Facebook, but the letters A.I. will make it sound scarier.
My last point is a wish. Most of my non-work meetings are scheduled over #1 text messaging and #2 Facebook. I would like to see support other mediums than just email.