First, this sidesteps the question. The writeup implies owners will be able to buy out, rather than feed them a perpetual stream of dividends. Regardless of how they do this, what is the buy-out amount? It will have to be an integer multiple of the money invested to reach breakeven.
Second, many companies, especially tech companies, do not pay dividends.
In particular, a growing company would be foolish to distribute dividends; dividends are for companies that have reached a steady-state. Waiting for a company to hit steady-state from inception can take a very long time.
> Second, many companies, especially tech companies, do not pay dividends.
My interpretation is that is trying to change that from being status quo. There is a largely forgotten type of business that is not covered in tech media, which is highly profitable and pays dividends.
Second, many companies, especially tech companies, do not pay dividends.
In particular, a growing company would be foolish to distribute dividends; dividends are for companies that have reached a steady-state. Waiting for a company to hit steady-state from inception can take a very long time.