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Puzzle Dependency Charts (grumpygamer.com)
36 points by crivabene on Jan 3, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

At least one of the differences between flowcharts and these dependency charts is that dependency charts are nondeterministic; that is, at a given point in time, you aren't just at one state. In the example given, you can be both at "unlocked door" _and_ "found oil can". This is unlike a flowchart in that a flowchart explicitly has a single state pointer.

Ironically^1, this is somewhat similar to dataflow programming, where you have nodes, edges, and you can require multiple incoming edges to fire before the node does.

[1] The irony is that flowcharts are not the analogue to dataflow programming.

Otherwise known as PERT charts. I do this for kitchen recipes. :) Another piece of software that works for this is Flying Logic.

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