We (Infoxchange) use the official elasticsearch-py, I believe it's not without it's frustrations but we've integrated Elasticsearch with part of our large database of health services in Australia as part of a complete re-write (Django) of a very old application (Perl).
Try searching for something like: psychiatrists near sydney cbd
The site is self is mostly just a front-end (as designed by / for a client) running across several Docker containers for the database (PostgreSQL) which is indexed into Elasticsearch and queried via the Elasticsearch API / Python ES Libraries.
- https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-py (low level lib, from ES)
- https://github.com/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-dsl-py (high level lib, from ES)
- https://github.com/mozilla/elasticutils (high level lib from Mozilla)
There are a few more, but they are either obsolete or don't have much traction. There's also django-haystack, but that's specific to django.