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A Spaniard in Samarkand, 1404 (2012) (resobscura.blogspot.com)
112 points by benbreen on Dec 21, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

Res Obscura is an amazing blog that used to consistently publish obscure and amazing things. It's a pity that it didn't have a proper update in over a year.

Thank you! Author here - I've been busy finishing my dissertation this past year but I do intend to start updating it again in 2015.

For those of you who can speak Spanish, this guy replicated Clavijo's route by motorbike and he recorded some pretty cool videos of the adventure: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLQS7oakJitCbDcGFtHRgg...

Gorskys color photos add a new perspective to life in these areas. 1910 in these places would not have been drastically different from life a few centuries earlier. Most of the world still did not have access to the modern technologies of the age.

There's a rather new newsletter made from the blog, the link for which is: http://tinyletter.com/resobscura

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