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  Anyone have an idea how much bandwidth NK has? How easy 
  would it be for a large botnet to DDoS the whole country?

How ironic would that be? Anonymous gathers up all its 4chan script kiddies to LOIC NK, to save the face of a company that has systematically treated its customers like criminals, namely those script kiddies with their DRM'ed Playstations and Audio CDs and DVDs, whilst fancifully offering up their credit card details online to be hacked and dumped on black hat card trader websites.

Oh, yep. Sign me up to some of that illegal shit. /end sarcasm.

I genuinely find the suggestion to attack an entire countries internet infrastructure to be a poor idea, whoever they are.

Ok, but you can also consider it from a theoretical point of view and try to think of the ramifications rather than simply dismiss it as impractical. Personally my hacker side finds the idea intriguing and I hope someone could answer this question.

Agreed it is an interesting theoretical question.

But, sometimes theoretical questions have shaky moral ground, and more importantly, put stupid ideas in stupid people's heads.

Adam and Eve is probably the classic example.

Avoiding questions because of theoretical potential outcomes of people knowing the answer is neither good nor useful. Knowledge is not implicitly dangerous or immoral.

Also, in this particular case, it seems that the people interested in that sort of thing could figure it out anyway. Obscurity isn't security.

I disagree with junto, game theory; the probability of it happening is feasible. What's not to say it hasn't happened before?

> Knowledge is not implicitly dangerous or immoral

Good phrase!

Sometimes I feel like half of my HN comments are about this guy, but Aaron Sorkin (writer/creator of A Few Good Men, The West Wing, The Social Network, and recently The Newsroom) wrote this line in a not-very-successful TV show 15 years ago called Sports Night, which is the same phrase but slightly nicer, and has stuck with me.

Dan is a TV host who did a Variety Fair interview in which he was semi-pro drug legalisation.

> Dan: The validity of your read on what most of the country thinks notwithstanding, Stanley.... Actions are immoral. Opinions are not. And I won't apologize for mine. Discussion is good, and for those of us fortunate enough to be the subject of magazine articles, it may be our responsibility from time to time to try and raise the level of debate.

Adam and Eve is a work of fiction.

which was the point.

Thanks for pointing this out. I could quite easily have invoked Godwin's Law and used gas chambers as an example, but I chose the fictional example instead. It seems that many people missed that, since I appear to be getting down voted for it.

Wish I could downvote.

I am genuinely curious. I am not suggesting anyone attack them.

It's not about Sony per say, its the fact that they fucked with Americans, which as a country, wasn't a good idea, im all about #northkoreaoffline

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