Try to stay away from coding hacks as much as you can, which is what I meant by technical. I'm talking about social, mechanical, etc. Should be interesting, entertaining, and enlightening to hear about all the clever real world hacks you guys have come up with.
Also, if you have several you'd like to share, go for it.
I was a civilian/sport/fun/non-military jumpmaster in the eighties. Taught/supervised skydiving students from the second jump on. Sometimes sat in the plane and supervised/critiqued, sometimes jumped out with them for some task they were learning that involved another person in the air.
One student was having trouble staying stable when he left the plane. Tried everything I could think of, he was just tense and maybe a little tunnel visioned. He really wanted to succeed, and I really wanted him to.
However the student leaves the plane (there are many ways), you or the student would typically say out loud "ready, set, go!" and go on "go." Regardless of how he left the plane, he tumbled.
As we went up once again, near the end of the day, I had no idea what to try except some variation of what I/we had always done. We got to altitude, turned on jump run, and he climbed past me to stand on the step outside the plane. I still didn't know how to help him.
He got in position, looked in at me, and almost without thinking about it, rather than saying ready set or whatever, I took a big, obvious breath, slowly let it out in an exaggerated, relaxed way, and casually pointed at him.
Beautiful exit, and he had a big smile when we met on the ground. Helping that guy through that was one of the most satisfying moments in my life.