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Makes sense. I am put-off by the complexity surrounding the initiation of host provisioning. Writing recipes is a breeze with berkshelf and vagrant. But diving into "real" provisioning tools is a pain for me.

There is a lot of churn in the provisioning and orchestration tools like chef and docker and others. The tension is between an inherent utility in these tools (it makes managing/deploying services easier!) and their desire to lock people into a platform. Vagrant captures a middle ground in the midst of that churn.

when you run 'vagrant up' for the first time, you end up with a provisioned host. Why not say that 'vagrant up' in a local vm is the same as 'vagrant push staging' to some random host. In either case we end up with something modeled by the vagrant file? I know other people would say no, but please consider going into competition in the dev-ops space as a wrapper to the churn, a nice abstraction on the ambitions of others. As an itinerant developer, I just want a Vagrantfile :)

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