They jumped the shark when they gave the prize to a boastfully-amoral purveyor of warmongering realpolitik in 1973, an unrepentant terrorist in 1994, an ineffective cronyist international kleptocrat in 2001, a self-aggrandizing bigoted apologist for dictators in 2002, and a scientifically-illiterate shill in 2007. Jumping the shark is what they do.
I'm not sure its a club the President wants to join, at least not this early in a first term.
Well in his defense it's not like he asked for it. Gibbs first response to the news was "Wow". I think they are smart enough to know that far from being a feather in their cap this is a potential PR crisis on their hands.
I'm not sure its a club the President wants to join, at least not this early in a first term.