The problem:
I like to have blog posts I write to be reviewed by someone else. A co-worker, wife, etc.
It's definitely made my blog posts clearer, more effective and less dangerous (for those posts that sometimes contained something I shouldn't have said)
But sometimes it would be nice to bounce the post off more people with varied interests and writing skills than my small network. I don't seem to be alone as Paul Graham seems to use his network of friends and colleagues to review his essays. (for example, the bottom of
A possible solution:
What do you guys think of me and the guys at Inkling putting together a community to get blog posts reviewed. Maybe it's something as simple as setting up a private discussion board like Where folks can submit drafts of their blog posts and have a group of people review them and offer comments before they get posted to the rest of the general public.
The community could take at least a couple forms:
1) There's a group of moderators who do the reviewing. They might nominate themselves, but are voted on by the community. The rest of the community then submits their blog posts to this body of reviewers.
Maybe for compensation, the reviewer doesn't get paid, but their name and link to their blog/project is added at the end of the blog posts they review. Maybe so that the quality of posts being reviewed starts much better than lots of junk, people that want to join the community of reviewees "applies" to be accepted into this community by submitting their current blog and a little about themselves. This way reviewers aren't going to get bogged down with reviewing total blog spam and those "reviewed by:" footnotes will be more worthwhile.
2) Or the community could just all be "better than most" blog writers that band together. Everyone is a reviewer and reviewee and the community is a bit more tight knit and challenging to get into.
Thoughts or ideas about this and making this idea better?
It's a private site. If you want to join, email me at nate at
Tell me if you want to be a reviewer as well.
Sound like a good place to start?