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> 1. Am I the only one that really loves that `print` is a statement and not a function? Call me lazy, but I don't mind not having to type additional parentheses.

If you think the parentheses are bad, why wouldn't you prefer a language like Ruby where you can omit them generally? Leaving them out for just one special construct seems so insufficient as a cure.

In general, Ruby's syntax (or rather, semantics) is ambiguous (you don't know if a statement without parentheses is calling a function or just accessing a value). I prefer unambiguous syntax.

However, Python's `print` statement is (1) well-known, (2) very useful (for prototyping, debugging, in REPL), and (3) shouldn't in general be present in production code (logging should be used instead). Therefore, omitting parentheses would help ease debugging and exploring (REPL prototyping), while not making code more ambiguous in general. Yes, it's a special case, but `print` is also has very special, very specific use-case.

Try %autocall in ipython. `

In [9]: %autocall Automatic calling is: Smart

In [10]: def foo(a, b): return a + b ....:

In [11]: foo 3, 4 -------> foo(3, 4) Out[11]: 7


tom, get back to work!

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