It's a common element of game Menu systems ex: rolling up an in game paper when closing a menu. But, games rarely add a delay before basic gameplay like walking. Granted, there are built in delays used for balance ex: reloading a gun or to give time for a video to play etc. But, they don't really fit the UI defining for transitions. Which is pure UI window dressing aiding usability.
ED: Ok, their also commonly used on game loading screens but again adding more loading screens does not improve a games gameplay.
It's a common element of game Menu systems ex: rolling up an in game paper when closing a menu. But, games rarely add a delay before basic gameplay like walking. Granted, there are built in delays used for balance ex: reloading a gun or to give time for a video to play etc. But, they don't really fit the UI defining for transitions. Which is pure UI window dressing aiding usability.
ED: Ok, their also commonly used on game loading screens but again adding more loading screens does not improve a games gameplay.