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Google is pretty nice to this guy, though, as it's clear from SO that he must not do very much work for them.

Everyone talks about Jon Skeet's reputation.

But Alex Martelli ("Google Uber Tech Lead") is far more ridiculous. He has netted 37,778 rep / 130 day = 290.6 rep/day.

Jon Skeet only has 102,115 rep / 371 day = 275.2 rep/day.

I know this because I started my goal of getting 10k rep shortly before Alex joined Stackoverflow, and I saw him answering every day, usually within 1 minute of people asking a question, and even when I was on vacation.

@codexon, my deepest respect for _noticing_ this -- I had kind of started to wonder if anyone ever would (except a couple of my colleagues, also active on SO but less openly, had already commented privately to me about this;-). Still, seniority counts for A LOT on SO, and of course I'll never catch up to Jon -- if I keep gaining 15.4 points/day on him, bridging the 64337-points gap would take me almost 12 years from now... I kind of doubt it will happen!-)

BTW, I made a "lateral career shift" within Google -- since about a year ago -- I'm not "uber tech lead" now, I'm "senior staff engineer" (no people-management chores -- I get to hack on code/design/debugging/architecture, nag^H^H^H evangelize on proper development methods, &c, in >80% of my time, vs ~40/50% of my time -- and that, with an effort!-) -- averaged over the many years in which I was uber tech lead, saddled with people management, budgets, strategy staff meetings, and the like... management at google is cooler than anywhere else I had ever managed, but, it IS still management in the end;-).

Oh hi Alex, I didn't expect you to notice this little comment here especially so late.

I don't think I really deserve the praise as I am not normally this watchful. I just did behavioral surveys of people with high reputation gain rates in order to figure out how to get 10k rep without spending too much time.

I must say this is pretty shitty thing to say about someone. A backhanded compliment at best.

His post rate is around 15 answers a day. Considering that most of these are highly-rated (and thus, not stuff like "lol you r dum"), it is likely that this eats up a good portion of his workday.

Maybe that's what he spends his '20% time' on?

I usually refrain from making 'me too' comments, but sheesh, really, what a lousy remark to make.

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