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Ben Huh of "I Can Has Cheezburger" is quietly building a humor empire (mixergy.com)
107 points by kf on Oct 2, 2009 | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

"Rule #6 If you want to be a CEO, get close to other CEOs"

I came to this same conclusion the last time I was job seeking and it was a critical decision factor for me, coming from a larger company where I had little contact with any decision makers. The job I wound up taking was the one where the CEO met me for coffee to discuss what the company was all about.

That CEO who met me for coffee was Ben Huh. Working at Cheezburger has been one of the most satisfying jobs I have ever had.


http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1916286,00.... doesn't seem too quiet, and on the internets he's extremely famous.

What I see in Ben is how much responsibility he takes for his failures and having to fire his employees. This was a very refreshing interview.

Very timely. Just as I start work on a community site...

The point I came away with most from this was 'listen to your community'. I think that to an extent you really need to be a part of the community on your site for it to be successful.

I think PG & Hacker News are a good example of this...

If you've ever seen any of the comments on failblog/cheezburger etc, you'd realise that Hacker News isn't a good comparison.

Having said that Ben seemed like a nice guy when he had a drink with us in London last year.

Hacker News isn't here to make money, and it attracts users because people come for YCombinator. Managing a community is much different when you don't have that, and it's very easy to trip up.

Good mission statement: "We want to make you happy for a few minutes each day."


Could be a perfect user of a micropayment service.

Top of page: "If you like this interview, vote for it on news.ycombinator.com --Andrew"

I'm a big fan of Mixergy-- Andrew's interviews are terrific and from the perspective of aspiring entrepreneurs. Definitely a site that will be of interest to HN readers.

It should also be noted that Andrew is an active HN member and goes by the screen name AndrewWarner.


I also love his mixergy interviews, very inspirational.

That will be some blog plugin that detects if you were referred from a social networking site, and then asks you for votes.

Inspirational dialog

Hi Andrew,

I like your site and find your interviews generally insightful. However, must you shill for karma points? Not sure what others here think about it.

I think it's fine. He didn't even submit the link; rms, whose name is Kevin, did.

If something's good, telling people where they can spread the word is perfectly fine. I like it even more when somebody's manually asking rather than placing a set of generic links on the bottom of every article.

I got the karma points. And there's nothing wrong with submitting your own stuff anyways.

Good point, my bad! You're absolutely right, there's nothing wrong with promoting good stuff.

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