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Ask HN: is there a Firefox extension for viewing C code in the browser?
1 point by idm on Oct 1, 2009 | hide | past | favorite
Firefox doesn't nativly ship with a handler for all content types (obviously), so often times you're prompted to download a file that you know could be viewed inside the browser.

Moreover, modern web servers ship with a robust set of content types, meaning HTTP headers are pretty descriptive about what kind of data is inside a given text file.

As a specific example, I was going to take a look at the LYSP source code (a recent post on HN), but Firefox doesn't know how to handle the HTTP header

  Content-Type: text/x-csrc
As a result, I am left to save it somewhere, then view it in TextMate.

My question is: does anyone know of a Firefox addon that handles various code-related content types, and renders them inside the browser?

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