Fortune 500 companies announce that they are killing their IT depts and outsourcing to $SERVICE CO$ all the time.
When you go for the next job interview do you want to say.
I was developing Rails apps to link facebook to Xbox for iPhone users.
I was a level 3.2 group manager responsible for coordinating all inputs from level 3.3 staff and collating them for level 3.1s !
And I have technical experience writing macros in XYZ running in our custom ABC billing system.
Again with the straw man argument. If you're worried about being the 3.2 group manager responsible for etc etc etc, manage your career better. Crappy roles and big companies aren't synonymous.
So, let me respond. What looks better on a resume:
"I was developing Rails apps to link Facebook to Xbox for iPhone users", or
"I designed, implemented, and successfully deployed the first 3 revisions of Instant Bloomberg for Bloomberg, which provided IM capabilities to everyone with a BB terminal".
Because Bloomberg is notorious for crappy 3.2-group-manager-of-GS-integration-backend-foo-XYZ development jobs, but I have a couple friends who got to do Instant Bloomberg.
When you go for the next job interview do you want to say.
I was developing Rails apps to link facebook to Xbox for iPhone users. Or
I was a level 3.2 group manager responsible for coordinating all inputs from level 3.3 staff and collating them for level 3.1s ! And I have technical experience writing macros in XYZ running in our custom ABC billing system.