It's absolutely scalable, and extremely high-leverage to boot.
We have a lot of advisors right now - there's a culture in the Valley of proactively wanting to help and connect with good people who need guidance. So even my friends who are busy founders, PMs, and leaders in their own right, are more than willing to make time to serve as Advisors. (It also helps that they get compensated well for it - and compensated proportional to the value they deliver :-).
The more interesting question is how we get the word out more aggressively to get more individuals on-board. If you have any ideas about that, let me know -
We have a lot of advisors right now - there's a culture in the Valley of proactively wanting to help and connect with good people who need guidance. So even my friends who are busy founders, PMs, and leaders in their own right, are more than willing to make time to serve as Advisors. (It also helps that they get compensated well for it - and compensated proportional to the value they deliver :-).
The more interesting question is how we get the word out more aggressively to get more individuals on-board. If you have any ideas about that, let me know -