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So... why should I invest in a platform whose app store is "beta" (which seems to be synonymous with unaccountable in this context) and haven't said when it will be out of "beta"?

Yeah, I was wondering about this too.

Palm seem to have decided they can ape Apple with this - launch the awesome new phone first, come out with a third party developer platform second.

The problems are, of course:

* Apple had Mobile Safari, so you could build iPhone-specific content (with restrictions, but still "iPhone" specific) from day one.

* Apple was there first. They got to take their time to find their strategy. Today, both iPhone & Android platforms have App Stores. Palm needs to compete with that up-front (for both developers & for users.)

... and "brand new platform", "ironing out bugs", "great user experience", yadayadayada. Someone high up decided it wasn't a launch day (or launch quarter, maybe even launch year) priority.

Given the choice between launch without an app store or wait and fall even farther behind, whaddya gonna do.

Sure. My question is, what led to that situation happening in the first place?

Hey, this is the same company that was bragging about their growing marketshare in the PDA market in 2006. That's PDAs, not smartphones.

I'm impressed they made it this far.

Palm of 2006 and Palm of 2009 have hardly more than the name in common.

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