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Scripting AoEII maps with a decent scripting language has long been a dream of mine. Current trigger editor is "hard to use and lacking" to put it politely. Python support in the map editor would be amazing.

>Scripting AoEII maps with a decent scripting language has long been a dream of mine

Isn't the current AI scripting done in Lisp?

It's an expert system. You can create if-then condtions. "If under attack, attack nearest enemy." It looks like lisp because every statement needs to be surrounded by parentheses, but it's not anything like lisp.

It's extremely limited, at least if you expect it to be a complete programming language. On the other hand, it's very easy to learn and use, which is what it's designed for.

The random map scripting is a programming language I believe. You can create scripts that generate maps.

It's something that kind of looks like lisp, but the only thing it has in common is the parentheses. You basically set condition→action rules, one level deep, with a limited amount of global-only "variables" (goals). I think the amount of conditions and actions per "rule" is limited, too.


I went and had a look for the AI I had seen before, here's it on gist if anyone would like to read it (it's 28,000 lines).

Exactly and AI-scripting is also a pain IMHO but (replying to grandparent) I actually meant setting conditions/triggers/actions on a custom map.

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