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"Actually, it was."

No, it wasn't. Read it more carefully. You may be right about the beliefs of the author, and I don't endorse the entirety of the comment, but "web programming is not programming" was not said anywhere there, and the principle of charity would suggest you should at least make sure that is what the author was trying to convey before lambasting them for it.

"If you read the rest of the parent's comment"

I did. Before I replied to you, even.

'he completes that sentence with: "...and sure as hell HTML/CSS is not programming."'

HTML/CSS is not programming, it's markup. Markdown and LaTeX are also not programming. That doesn't mean there can't be plenty of programming that involves those.

'So it's pretty clear from the way the sentence is written that the parent has clearly established some sort of hierarchy in his mind, and what he actually meant was, "web programming is not real programming."'

It's plausible, but again, principle of charity.

Isn't TeX/LaTeX turing complete? I'm pretty sure people have done things like implementing an emulator in LaTeX.

Possibly. Postscript certainly is. I don't think that really changes the point that most of what people do using LaTeX is markup, not programming.

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