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For counterfeit/illegal property? This seems reminiscent of the guy who bought cocaine from his dealer, found out it was cut with flour, then tried to file a police report. I'd think you've had a tough time convincing a judge that you genuinely believed the chip/board you bought from some shady seller on eBay based in China for pennies on the dollar was a legit product.

None-the-less, someone will try I'm sure. Then everyone can enjoy the $5 check they get in the mail 1 year later.

This has been thoroughly covered in an earlier thread[0]. The chips do not in themselves violate any law. To whatever extent there may be a trademark violation, that is between FTDI and whoever mislabeled them. None of this entitles FTDI to destroy anyone's property. That's a crime.

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=8493849

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