The "before and after" CPU series have nearly the same exact fit. If the data was from separate 24 hour periods, wouldn't you expect the graphs to look different? I recognize that with a large service, you'd get repetitive load patterns, but the similarity here look a little extreme.
I find the first graph peculiar on its own. Supposedly, each line is the load on one of 8 cores on the same machine. Why would some cores experience heavier load than others, very consistently, over the course of a day? I've never seen a workload exhibit that kind of long-term, core-level affinity on Linux.
Even if that was the case, there isn't normally a stable mapping between processes and physical cores. There would have to be something within the kernel itself that gives higher priority to some cores than others.
Not saying that's impossible, but I've worked on machines with more than 8 cores and never seen it happen.
The "before and after" CPU series have nearly the same exact fit. If the data was from separate 24 hour periods, wouldn't you expect the graphs to look different? I recognize that with a large service, you'd get repetitive load patterns, but the similarity here look a little extreme.