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I often use idiosyncratic screen setups with very specifically-purposed windows. I support this behavior with a special config file that launches screen with certain windows pre-loaded for certain uses:

  source /home/mcantor/.screenrc
  chdir $SANDBOX/src
  screen 0:svn
  screen 1:lib
  screen 2:nosetests
  stuff "activate_environment\015"
  screen 3:ipython
  stuff "activate_environment\015ipython\015"
  screen 4:
  select 0
I use stuff because it's the most straightforward way to send commands with carriage returns (015 in octal) to a window.

I make this even more effortless by using a special alias in my .bashrc:

  alias scd='screen -c /home/mcantor/.screenrc-dev'
I also use a few other aliases to support common uses:

  alias scr='screen -rd'
  alias scx='screen -x'
  alias lsc='screen -list'
Also, don't forget the very useful -S switch:

  screen -S someproject
Or, you can use Ctrl-a :sessionname, if you're already within a session, to rename it. That way, screen -list and screen -r can use your sessionnames, and you don't have to parse or remember the process ID's.

I really wish there was a way to use the sessionname in the hard status line formatting.

You're probably never going to read back this far in time, but, it's coming in the next version.

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