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For the curious, here is also surviving guide in a pdf form issued by Finnish defense forces in 1985: http://www.puolustusvoimat.fi/wcm/61ba4180411e702ea19ee9e364...

You probably can't make much out of the text, but pictures may be worth looking of, even though most of the traps demonstrated are illegal to make during peace. There's also cooking recipes in the bottom of the document, which contain oddities such as soup made from sprigs of a spruce. Though my personal favorite must be the depiction of how to kill a moose with a knife by jumping on its back.

Paddy Ashdown describes in his autobiography how one of the survival instructors on his SBS course introduced himself by place a live frog between two slices of bread and eating it and then saying "Survival is simple, if you can do that you will survive, if you can't do that you won't".

[NB For those outside of the UK or Bosnia: Paddy Ashdown is a former UK politican - now in the House of Lords who had a rather interesting career - Royal Marines, SBS, MI6 then politics becoming leaders of the LibDems, the UK's third party].

"If you eat a live frog in the morning, nothing worse will happen to either of you for the rest of the day."

I always enjoy seeing small scandanavian tactics (Norway, Sweden, Finland) tactics against German, Russian juggernauts.

I've been told by several different people that in the Finnish service you are trained to battle against a nuke by first using your 'nuclear cloak' to wait for the fallout. After that, you are told to take a pruce branch and use it to clean others' cloaks from the fallout. Then you keep on fighting.

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