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Fraud possible in Brazil's e-voting system (zdnet.com)
42 points by obvio171 on Oct 5, 2014 | hide | past | favorite | 29 comments

"The Brazilian machines, which are based on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) model, do not produce a physical proof that the vote has been recorded. This means there is a constant danger of large-scale software fraud, as well as other non-technical tampering that could be perpetrated by former or current electoral justice staff and go totally undetected, according to Aranha."

Technical paper in English: https://sites.google.com/site/dfaranha/pubs/aranha-karam-mir...

"This work presents a security analysis of the Brazilian voting machine software based on the the experience of the authors while participating of the 2nd Public Security Tests of the Electronic Voting System organized by the Superior Electoral Court (SEC), the national electoral authority. During the event, vulnerabilities in the software were detected and explored to allow recovery of the ballots in the order they were cast. We present scenarios where these vulnerabilities allow electoral fraud and suggestions to restore the security of the affected mechanisms. Additionally, other flaws in the software and its development process are discussed in detail."

Voting is still going on but we already have news from several cities in Brazil, telling of malfunctioning of voting machines: some wouldn't allow people to choose one or two digits (those related to the main opposing candidates, what a coincidence!), pople arriving at their voting location and finding out they had alrady voted (!!)... It's a shame! Our voting system is insecure, unreliable and the institutions that should intervene to make it better are completetely dominated by the governing party, so there's no interest in changing this shameful scenario!

The original 2012 article about the forum on security: http://pdt.org.br/index.php/noticias/voto-eletronico-hacker-...

Further on topic: http://folhapolitica.jusbrasil.com.br/noticias/112550665/pro...

(all articles pt-br only)

"The Brazilian machines, which are based on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) model, do not produce a physical proof that the vote has been recorded. This means there is a constant danger of large-scale software fraud, as well as other non-technical tampering that could be perpetrated by former or current electoral justice staff and go totally undetected, according to Aranha."

The Brazilian machines, which are based on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) model, do not produce a physical proof that the vote has been recorded. This means there is a constant danger of large-scale software fraud, as well as other non-technical tampering that could be perpetrated by former or current electoral justice staff and go totally undetected, according to Aranha.

Thank you for posting this. Very few brazilians are aware of this possibility of fraud. When I tell people that our voting machine is insecure I always get blank stares. It's something that they haven't ever even considered to be possible.

It's sad to say but Brazil's politics is far away to be a trustable. People don't believe in your candidates anymore. There aren't proposes that can catch attention. We need to reformulate this politics system!

Brazil uses an obsolete, inauditable, and closed-source voting machine. The government keep civil society away from the machine for testing, and we don't know if our vote is real or just a phony.

Brazil uses an obsolete, inauditable, and closed-source voting machine.

Tomorrow we vote for president, governor, and Congress members, and the fate of our 200M people democracy depends exclusively on the security of this machine (it produces no independent physical evidence of the votes).

We know for a fact, though, from respected researcher and cryptographer Diego F. Aranha, that it is insecure[1].

(For the technically-inclined, let's just say that the ballot's secrecy is guarded by srand(time(null)). You can imagine the rest.)

It's been like this for 18 years. This year, we're doing something about it.

We've launched a campaign to raise awareness about the very real threat of large-scale, undetectable fraud, and it has so far been a huge success.

We've raised over twice the amount we asked for in our crowdfunding campaign[2].

We were featured in every major news outlet in the country[3].

We've built and deployed a mobile app for citizen inspection of poll tapes, and reached an install base that is estimated to cover a sample of over 20% of all electoral zones in the country, positively impacting the electoral transparency of over 40 million people.[4]

But it is not enough. The Brazilian government has had enough time and resources in its hands to convince the whole country that not only are the machines secure, but that they are also the envy of the world.

We've made an impact. In the past weeks, they've adapted their rhetoric from "unpenetrable" to "nothing is 100% secure"[5], but we still have a long way to go.

We're now faced with the very real possibility that they'll flex their PR muscles once again, shove this all under the rug, and not change a thing after elections are over and people have moved on.

You can make sure that doesn't happen.

International pressure and public shaming have done a great deal for citizens all over the world, proving the Internet's power to unite humans across borders for the good of one another.

You can do that for 200M Brazilians today. Please, read the article in the link above and, if you feel it's important, share it and upvote it.

If we can't be heard from the inside, let's be heard from the outside. You can be our voice.

Thank you so much!

-- References: [1]: https://sites.google.com/site/dfaranha/pubs/aranha-karam-mir... [2]: http://catarse.me/VoceFiscal [3]: https://www.google.com/search?hl=pt-BR&gl=br&tbm=nws&authuse... [4]: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.vocefiscal [5]: http://eleicoes.uol.com.br/2014/noticias/2014/08/29/tse-suge...

Much better discussion going on there :) Thanks for the link!

Tentamos fiscalizar somente o comprovante que a máquina emite mas se a fraude for na programação, somente tendo acesso à elas com engenharia reversa.

"The Brazilian machines, which are based on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) model, do not produce a physical proof that the vote has been recorded. This means there is a constant danger of large-scale software fraud, as well as other non-technical tampering that could be perpetrated by former or current electoral justice staff and go totally undetected, according to Aranha."

The Brazilian machines, which are based on the Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) model, do not produce a physical proof that the vote has been recorded. This means there is a constant danger of large-scale software fraud, as well as other non-technical tampering that could be perpetrated by former or current electoral justice staff and go totally undetected, according to Aranha.

The Brazil governament is fraud, democracy forever, Thanks Diego F. Aranha my best teacher.

Brazil uses an obsolete, inauditable, and closed-source voting machine. Help us!!!

People can not audit the votes. How can we trust the machine?!

Evebody knows that the system is fragile and easy to fraud!

I don´t trust in brazilian machine >:( Please help us!!!

Hackers of all the world, help us!!!Attack the Govern!!

We need an open election process! Please, help us!

I don´t trust our election system. Help us =]

It is a threat against democracy.

Há anos essa urna é usada e o pior que não sabemos se outras eleições foram fraldadas, cade a democracia em nosso país???


I don´t trust in brazilian machine.

I not beliave in Brazilian Government, they can manipulate machine and nobody can make a Clain or change law. The Works Party (Pres. Dilma) want change Brazil from to Comunism. I rate it.

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